Students may face discrimination or harassment during their time in the program. This may happen at the GC or the campus where you teach. Below is a list of possible resources, individuals, or offices you may consult if you need help.

When you have a problem or complaint, if possible, try first to speak to the faculty member, student, staff person with whom you are in conflict directly.

If that doesn’t work or is not possible, speak to your E.O. who can advise or help you seek further help. The campus ombuds office is also a neutral place to provide guidance. If you prefer to speak to someone outside the department for any reason, this is a good option.

If you are having a problem at a college where you are teaching, speak first to your direct supervisor or chair.* If you do not feel you have someone to speak to on your campus, please talk to the E.O. who can help guide you to the best person or office. Depending on the issue and the campus you may need to report to:

  • office of student behavior for issues with students
  • human resources for issues with other faculty
  • your union rep (at the college) for labor issues

*Note that you can always reach out to GC faculty who know the colleges well for guidance.

As a graduate student worker you are also part of our union, the Professional Staff Congress (PSC).  You can speak to your rep, as a starting point, for labor issues.

For any gender-based harassment, we have a Title IX office and a coordinator.

For issues involving racial discrimination, The Office of Compliance and Diversity can be consulted. Students may wish to speak also to other students on our anti-racism task force.

If you need to file a written complaint regarding harassment or discrimination (you have 30 days to do so), the procedure is here.

For complaints against the university (financial, fraud, civil rights violations, e.g.), visit this website.