All student workers at the Graduate Center (teaching and non-teaching adjuncts, graduate assistants, etc.) are represented by our union, the Professional Staff Congress (PSC). The PSC represents over 30,000 staff, faculty, and students at all of the CUNY campuses.
Our chapter at the Graduate Center has put together a pamphlet for Graduate Assistants with information about their rights and benefits. If you have questions about anything listed on this pamphlet, or if you feel that your rights are being infringed upon in the workplace, contact your department stewards. Their contact info is listed on the Reps and Fellows page of this website.
Our union is constantly working to improve the work and lives of its members and to make CUNY a more equitable and fully funded institution. If you’re interested in getting involved in campaigns for graduate student rights, adjunct rights, funding for CUNY, legislative work in city and state government, anti-bullying, or anti-racism, contact your department stewards. If you’re interested in learning more about the union but don’t know where to start, attending on of the GC’s chapter meetings (which take place about once a month) is a great place to start. Check out the chapter website for more info and be on the lookout for emails from chapter leadership with information about meetings, actions, and ways to get invovled.