The Anti-Racism Task Force positions itself as a resource to the Department of Art History in its effort to uphold The Graduate Center’s stated mission to serve those who have been underrepresented in higher education, to address our discipline’s systemic biases surrounding race, and to create a diverse academic community that is conducive to students’ ability to thrive as art historians. This task force seeks to support the existing department committees by providing recommendations and helping to develop initiatives for anti-racist practices. We commit to developing and supporting initiatives that advance the following objectives:

● We recognize the critical role that people of all social, cultural, ethnic, and racial backgrounds play in shaping our department and its future. We therefore strive to ensure that these voices are welcomed, respected, and amplified.
● We seek to support students and teachers of art history in their work to dismantle the oppressive and exclusionary structures of our discipline by providing resources that advance anti-racist pedagogy.
● As academics in the country’s largest urban public university system, we aim to expand our outreach to student and faculty candidates from underrepresented groups, and keep the admissions and hiring committees accountable to these goals.

The Anti-Racism Task Force welcomes feedback, questions, and suggestions. Please be in touch with us at [email protected] or through our anonymous Google Form

Task Force Members:
Maura McCreight – Co-Chair
Khushmi Mehta – Co-Chair
Emily Mangione – Communications
Prof. Jennifer Ball – Admin / Executive Committee Faculty Representative
Isabel Elson – Executive Committee Student Representative
Prof. Anna Indych-Lopez – Admissions Committee Faculty Representative
Tie Jojima – Admissions Committee Student Representative
Prof. Rachel Kousser – Exams & Curriculum Committee Faculty Representative
Jack Crawford – Exams & Curriculum Committee Student Representative
Flora Brandl – Doctoral Student Council Representative
Lauren Rosenblum – PSC Representative
Molly Bauer
Kerry Doran
Monica Espinel
Alexandra Foradas
Naiomy Guerrero
Suzie Oppenheimer
Anna Orton-Hatzis